All are welcome to attend these groups.

We have a lot of great family friendly groups here at Shepherd of the Valley but we also have groups for the adults as well. Here are just a few:

girl drawing at Sunday School

Discipleship Classes

Sunday @ 9:30 a.m.

Formerly known as “Sunday School” we host a variety of Discipleship Classes each Sunday for children, youth and adults. For children, this is a time of “hands on” study of the great teachers and lessons of the Bible. Combined with each lesson there is usually a “take away” for each child to share with family. Youth and teens discuss and understand how God’s Word applies to the challenges of living a Godly life in today’s world. Adults gather each week in our multi-purpose room for study and
discussion of our Reformed Presbyterian faith in a community circle to encourage fellowship and participation.

Sunday Worship

Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.

At Shepherd of the Valley, we are a community of Christ followers who worship in Spirit and truth and in the tradition of the Reformed Faith. In this space, we nurture each other in joy and in need. We encourage all to grow in the knowledge and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we believe in serving our community through our prayers and our actions that help demonstrate the love of Christ to all. We encourage you to come visit and worship with us as we study God’s word and strive to
grow deeper in our faith.

Shepherd’s Grill

Each Sunday, following worship (Seasonal)

You are invited to join us each Sunday at the conclusion of worship for a delicious, simple lunch of fresh grilled hamburgers and hotdogs with all the trimmings. Take a moment to relax and fellowship with a picnic lunch on our patio. (Please check our calendar for dates each season as outdoor dining is suspended during some summer and winter weeks.)

Fitness Flock

Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday @ 9 a.m.

Join our fun, relaxed, low-impact exercise class for all ages. This workout helps keep your muscles active and your mind fresh and there’s always plenty of fellowship throughout the hour-long class. Typically, we exercise along with a variety of brief videos, then cool down with a stroll through our multi-purpose building. Great fun for all!

Monthly Men’s Breakfast

Every fourth Sunday @ 8:30 a.m.

Our monthly men’s fellowship and Bible study starts with a delicious breakfast of eggs, grits, biscuits and gravy and all the trimmings. Following breakfast, join us as we learn more about God’s plan for our families and ourselves as we work through a prepared Bible study.

chancelor choir at SVPC

Chancel Choir

Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m. (Practice) and Worship

Make a joyful noise to the Lord with our dedicated group of singers who add so much to every worship service. There is no requirement for prior music experience, just a desire to sing praise to our Savior for the worship and enjoyment of all our Covenant Partners!

First Ringers

Sunday @ 12:15 p.m. (Practice) and Worship

The joke among members of this group is, “If you can’t sing, ring!” The members of our six-octave handbell choir enjoy the challenge of making harmony come alive through the rhythmic ringing of more than 60 perfectly-tuned, bronze bells. Practice runs through the fall and spring with performances in worship during the Christmas and Easter seasons.

Silver Shepherds


An active group of seasoned servants, this group meets monthly. Dates to gather vary on season and opportunities. Silver Shepherds gather for fellowship, learning, celebrations, and dining at various gathering spots throughout the McCalla/Birmingham area. Though members are mostly 60 and up, they welcome all who enjoy spirited conversation, delicious food and a desire to learn more about our Creator’s Word and world.

Vacation Bible School


Just after the end of the school year, our children, youth and adults come together for consecutive evenings for the fun and fellowship of Vacation Bible School! Each evening begins with a simple supper, followed by breakout sessions for each group. Children learn one of the great lessons of the Bible through classes, music, dance and play. Our youth have the opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills by assisting with the children’s lessons and activities. For adults, “continuing education” classes may include Bible study or seminars on finances, health or various aspects of life planning.

christmas program Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church

Christmas Of Light


Our gift to the community each Christmas season is an inspirational light display where we practically cover our church building and grounds with lighted decorations of the season. Inside, our Chrismon – or “Christ Monogram – trees remain illuminated throughout the season as a representation of Christ’s light in the world. Outside, trees, bushes and
windows come to life with dancing lights coordinated to a variety of Christmas music of the season. Our lighted Nativity display tells the Luke 2 Christmas story through a moving display of subdued lighting and narration. (Please check our church calendar for dates and times.)